EXPLAINING THE HOLY SPIRIT: Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith by Edward D. Andrews
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Title: EXPLAINING THE HOLY SPIRIT: Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith
Author: Edward D. Andrews

Synopsis: YOU WILL RECEIVE THE POWER WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME UPON YOU.”––Acts 1:8 UASVwe are troubled over the difficulties we face,when we are in the darkness of Satan’s world,to remind us of the good things to come,to guides in our daily decisions,walk us through our needs,strengthen our faith,help us though the pains and sorrows of life The authors of the Bible were men, who spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit, i.e., inspired by the Holy Spirit in order to author their books. The Holy Spirit today guides Christians as they walk with God. The Holy Spirit will be at work in the Christian life when